
vayal team project

A structure of bamboo and ropes from floor to roof.
We followed a light construction technique, using only bamboo as a structural element.
Based on the sun path we provided shade to our pavilion, we weaved the wall and the roof Using sac bags and rope.
We also provided a bench within our pavilion arising between the columns.
The primary system of columns and beams Contained the secondary system of shading and sitting area.

documents and planing guidelines

Built up area: 15 sq.m
Orientation on site: SE

Examination of the sun path was made in order to plan a shaded structure.
The roof  measurements and a west side wall were designed according to the examination.

Construction process

Joints & details

The main focus was the light construction that required detailed planning in order to achieve a reliable bamboo foundation.

All along its core, the bamboo grows thinner. 
Due to that, we used tow conjoined bamboos in order to create 5 and 5.6 meter long beams with approximately the same diameter on both ends alongside the bamboo.

Beam and column joints

View of the pavilion

Bad Project


A very bad project

Maiyl Group

The pavilion design was influenced by the local climate and sun path. It provides a shaded environment for the majority of the day, throughout the year by considering the path of the sun and constructing an active filtering.   

The pavilion is located on the center-northern plot of the complex. The southern side of the plot is the sunniest most of the day and faces the center. This side was left open allowing an unobstructed connection to the other pavilions. The sun is partially blocked by the roof, the eastern and the western walls.

Sun path checks:

Bamboo beam and brick column joint

The bamboo used to construct the walls was placed vertical to block the sun. In the western wall the bamboo is more dense in consideration of the position of the sun and the time of day that the pavilion is occupied

The roof is designed as an separated element detached from the main structure and in resonance with the existing environment

The platform is raised 40 cm above the ground offering protection from the Monsoon flood and creating an exterior sitting area
Building process: