
Planning Process //Projector

It's been a while since we published our latest post, because of continuous planning and re-planning without any break. so now when we made a little pause, I'll show all the steps that we went through.........

  Choosing the peak/podium point by compliance to several rules that we have set to ourselves like: * Stick to the line of the border of 5m from the path 

 Point that can connect easily to the path *

Highest point relation to the wall *

Entire Area - zoomed out
 Choosing the "peak point" of our project - the peak of entire area  

 Red line - 5 m limit from the path

.Kosta Test - Climbing on Kosta's shoulders, and walking close to the 5m limit

Little reminder- the concept of our project is an alternative path that connecting to the existing path ( not necessarily direct connection ), gradually rising to the peak point (that we choose before) and descending back.

First Proposal - Floating path

The first thought was to build a path that looks "floats" from a distance. The idea was - many columns which holding the path in height. the columns immersed inside a low basis which encompasses the shape.    
Dimensions plan

Construction Plan
Section Cuts

3D Simulation

after considering all the material options that can accomplish this proposal, we came to conclusion that the only option is to build wooden construction. 
The result is a massive construction that doesn't fits in the area - so we canceled it.

Second Proposal - Artificial hill

The second thought was to build a path that fits more to the local environment and materials.
So the idea was to build an artificial hill from a local stones in which the path is "carve" inside and using the hill as an construction. The hill and the path starting very close to the existing path - Approved by the educator, as a developing of the area.

Dimensions plan
Construction Plan

Section Plan

after calculating the amounts of stones that require to build this hill plus the large effect of hill like that on the area - we canceled it.

Third Proposal -Part A 

In this proposal we tried to preserve the benefits from the last proposal - using the local stone as the main part of the construction, only for the construction and filling - not in surrounding area like in the last proposal.  
The idea is to build two main walls that will be strong enough to hold the filling between them - that will be the path, and hold the columns of the roof and the railing.
The way to the peak is in gradual increase that made from a little walls inside the space between the main walls.

Dimensions plan

Foot print
Section Cut

Section Cut

Roof Plan

Detail - stone basis + roof column

Section Cut

Section Cut

Detail - roof explode
Detail - roof

3D Simulation

It should have been our final proposal.. we even started to mark the form on the ground.
BUT! we got new directives from our educators- all the shape have to be outside of the 5m limit!
Not like have been told to us before. So........ we started to seek for solution.
The problem was - if we will move the structure 3-4 m backwards, the peak point will be in a lower place (due to decreasing of the ground) plus the shadow from the roof not going to be effective.
so we decided to cancel the length of the current shape..

 Third Proposal - Part B

Kind of attempt to solve the problem that appeared. The idea is - rolled the path Around itself to make it Shorter.
Dimensions plan

Section cut

3D Simulation

This proposal cancelled  mainly because the damage of its shape in the smooth flow of the path.

 Third Proposal - Part C

Another attempt. The major angle is slimier to the shape in part A, the difference is - the "arms" of the structure become shorter by combining stairs in both sides. The stationing is trying to preserve the concept of making a smooth path.

Section cut AA


Section cut B

Detail - basis of the podium

Construction process
Section cut A

At the moment, this version is the most updated. we considering a little changes in the length.
The final decision will be made in the coming days........


Goal: Find Wood

After collecting some wooden planks from a factory in the Industrial Area, we decided to go to Be'er Sheva in order to find more.

Sorting the wood


Loess. Exposing the stone.

We found a rock in our area, and we decided to plan our space with and on it.
We started a process of exposing the stone.