
Sun Studies - Residue Group

Google Earth Sun Study

Model Angled-Sun Pictures

Residue Group - HumaNesting Mid-term Presentation

Site Panoramas
 Site Plan
Types of Woods on Site
 Building Concept
Birds and Nests
Front Elevation
Longitudinal Elevation
Roof Plan

ASEE Group - The Sangam Reed Project

 Site Plan
 Structure Floor Plan
 Structure Roof Plan
 Building Process
 Detail of the Bow
 Finding the Common Reed at the River Bank
 Bringing the Material to The Sangam

 Measuring and Classifing the Material

 View from The Sangam
 The Sangam
 Building a Model 1:20, Cardboard


Bamboo Housing - H&P Architects

The article is in Spanish but it talks about bamboo housing. H&P Architects submitted a smart housing proposal built with local bamboo wood. They ar built on plataforms made of recycled oil drums allowing the houses to float during a flood without moving due to anchors that connect to the ground.