This is Shaiba, she is a Belgian
We decided to follow her
wherever she may go in the park area.
we put our cell phone in a
pouch on
Shaiba’s back
We used an application that
shows Shaiba’s movement in the park.
Thoughts before the Derive:
Shyba is an army canine. her senses are stronger.
We hope Shaiba will act more aggressively
and adventuress then Tuvya.
We must follow Shaiba.
Derive #2 report:
Shaiba Led us to wild areas.
Shaiba Led us to areas where they are throwing construction waste
She wasn’t afraid to get
into water.
Tuvya is a city dog, he Led us to areas with people
Stay zones.
Shaiba led us to different places and was attracted to wild areas and
also to bigger piles of waste.
We walked after the senses
of two different dogs and had two different experiences.
Our location in a small
clearing connected to a main dirt road.
It’s a busy road with bike
riders, hikers, horse riders.
We have noticed people are
using the location to rest.
The location shows a great
view of the mountain
and is viewed from the mountain side as well.
We want to use plastic bags
left over.
This pack of plastic is
never used and thrown away every day in big amounts in Mahne Yehuda market.
Using a melting technique
we create holes that makes the material stronger.