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Dr. Joseph Zernik, occupier in TLV (photo: Max Norz 4/4/13) |
Sharon Shalom.
Thanks again for choosing this project! I would be grateful if you could distribute the attached summary as my written submission for your Studio's work.
Additionally, I assume that the students work through some structured or semi structured process, and hope that you could include in its written components recommendations for the park dwellers and all others involved, regarding Public Health issues, including drinking water, showers, toilets, food, animals.
Obviously, I would eventually be happy to read what the students write.
Feb 28, 2014
Architect Sharon Rotbrad
and Students of the Spontaneous Architecture Studio,
Thank you for choosing the project in the Occupy Tel Aviv camp.
I write to submit in writing my input for your project, following our discussion yesterday in my tent. and to provide links to supporting records:
a. The TLV Municipality owes very little to people like me, who stay in the park under a Permit for Social Protest 24/7. I renew the Permit on a monthly basis. As far as I know, I am the only one who Permit holder at this time. In the past, Permits were issued in parallel to Mr Danny Falkevitch and to me. However, Mr Falkevitch has since left the camp.
The permit is based on the extension of an Agreement signed on November 28, 2012, between one Mr Tamir Hajaj and the TLV Muni. However, the TLV Muni would not permit me, the current Permit holder. to view the original Agreement, even after Freedom of Information Act requests.
With it, the records show that the TLV Muni and Israel Police refused to provide the OccupyTLV camp honest services from the beginning, e,g, providing security, or trash collection.,,
b. The TLV Muni owes to all residents of TLV to maintain a Public Toilet facility in the park, as one of six prescribed throughout the TLV Muni, by TLV Muni's own laws and regulations.
c. The fact that some people, like me, choose to live in tents, out of protest, does not create permission or any legal foundation for the TLV Muni to create and maintain "public housing solutions" for the homeless, which fail to comply with the laws of the State of Israel and laws and regulations of the TLV Muni (directly, or indirectly, through contractors and subcontractors, through charitable associations, or through a "community" "Kehillah").
In short - the TLV Muni and the gov of the State of Israel must address the homeless pursuant to the law, and provide them with adequate housing, including reasonable infrastructure, whether it is in the park area or elsewhere.
Regardless of all the above, Architect Rotbard and I agreed that Public Health issued are of the highest priority, and then Architect Rotbard also produced Gandhi's article on the same subject "The Perfect Village", from almost a century ago...
I have no doubt that your contribution is essential here, and would likely be of interest also in other camps in Israel.
In parallel, I hope that you could connect me with some experts for creating a small model vegetable garden and regarding low energy house design. In all these areas, I hope that the OccupyTLV camp would become an interesting educational asset to the public at large.
Attached is my short CV, and other records, pertaining to the OccupyTLV camp, communications with TLV Muni and Israel Police on matters related to health, permits, demolitions, etc...
Please note that the narrative emerging from these records is diametrically different from the one you would get from the TLV Muni, or which was produced by Israeli media, even relative to very recent events. In particular - relative to "Demolition Decrees" or "Eviction Decrees", which never existed, but the TLV Muni was easily able to implant news of in print media and TV.
In this matter as in others, the OccupyTLV camp produces a microcosm of law, society, and Human Rights in the State of Israel - 2014.
With all of that, I have no doubt that Bezalel Art School and the Spontaneous Architecture Studio, led by Architect Sharon Rotbard, would leave a constructive and creative imprint in this space and in the Social Protest movement in Israel.
I would be glad to provide additional information upon request.
All the best,
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2010 Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in the United States, with the note: "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California".
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2013 Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in Israel, with the note: "lack of integrity of the electronic records of the Supreme Court, the district courts and the detainees courts in Israel."
13-08-06 Biographical Sketch – Joseph Zernik, PhD
קורות חיים מקוצרות (באנגלית)
Email: 123456xyz@gmail.com
Facebook: Joseph Zernik
Facebook favorite places:
Jail4Judges Israel:
Scribd drchive: http://www.scribd.com/Human_Rights_Alert
Liveleak channel: http://www.liveleak.com/c/HumanRightsAlert
13-03-08 תלונה מס' #107269/2013 הוגשה למשטרת ת"א לגבי מספר אירועי ירי של זיקוקים אל תוך מאהל המחאה החברתית ארלוזורוב // Complaint File #107269/2013 filed with the Tel-Aviv City Center-HaYarkon Police Station in re: shooting at the Social Protest/homeless encampment Arlozorov/Monument
13-03-08 Complaint File #107269/2013 filed with the Tel-Aviv City Center-HaYarkon Police Station in re: shooting at the Social Protest/homeless encampment Arlozorov/Monument
13-03-19 Additional Evidence in re: Complaint #107269/2013, filed with the Tel-Aviv City Center/HaYarkon Police Station, in re: shooting at the Social Protest/homeless encampment Namir/Monument
13-06-23 בקשת הארכה גן וולובלסקי קרני- מכתב רובי זלוף , משנה למנכ"ל עיריית תל -אביב למר דני פלקביץ
13-07-01 מכתב דייר רחוב למנהל אגף רבעים ושכונות אריק שוע - בקשה למידע ותקשורת סדירה // Street Person's letter to Director of Department of Neighborhoods and Quarters, Mr Arik Shua - Request for Information and Regular Direct Communications
13-07-01 הצהרת דייר רחוב בגן וולובלסקי , דר, יוסף צרניק // Declaration of a Street Person in Volvolevsky Garden, Dr Joseph Zernik
13-07-17 Letter to Mr Zluf, Tel Aviv Municipality - Request for Extention of Agreement for Social Protest encampment // מכתב למר זלוף, עיריית ת"א - בקשה להארכת הסכם למאהל המחאה החברתית
13-08-04 Letter to Mr Zluf, Tel Aviv Municipality - Repeat Request for Extention of Agreement // בקשה חוזרת להארכת ההסכם לשהות אנשי מחאה חברתית בגן וולובלסקי-קרני
13-08-06 Response by Tel Aviv Municipality, Mr Reuven Zluf, on Repeat Request to Extend Permit for Occupy Tel Aviv Encampment // תשובת עיריית ת"א, מר ראובן זלוף על בקשה חוזרת להארכת הסכם למאהל המחאה החברתית
13-08-21 Letter to Mr Zluf, Deputy CEO, Tel Aviv Municipality - extension of permit for the Occupy Tel Aviv encampment for Sep 2013
13-11-12 Occupy Tel-Aviv: Freedom of Information correspondence with Tel-Aviv Municipality
13-12-05 מאהל המחאה ת"א: מניעת שירותי תברואה בסיסיים על ידי עיריית ת"א // Occupy Tel-Aviv: Denial of basic sanitation services by the Tel Aviv MunicipalityEd
התארגנות לסיוע למאהל ארלוזורוב לעמידה מול הפינוי הצפוי
13-12-14 Occupy Tel-Aviv: Law Enforcement Implants // מושתלי כוחות הביטחון במאהל המחאה החברתית,ת"א
13-12-24 "צווי הריסה", או "צווי פינוי למראית עין שהונפקו על ידי עירית ת"א נגד אנשי מאהל המחאה, ת"א // Sham "Eviction Decrees", or "Demolition Decrees" were issued by the Tel Aviv Municipality against the Occupy Tel Aviv camp
13-12-24 Eviction Notices in the Arlozoroff Camp _Ynet News
13-12-24 Structures in Occupy Tel-Aviv Camp
13-12-25 Tel Aviv Municipality Issued Demolition Decrees Against Structures in the Arlozoroff Camp_ Haaretz
13 12 25 This is life, not protest: Tel-Aviv Munitciaplity v Occupy Tel-Aviv camp_NRG // זו לא מחאה, אלה החיים: עיריית ת"א נגד מאהל ארלוזורוב_מעריב
13-12-25 Occupy Tel Aviv: Fake "Eviction Decrees"/ "Demolition Decrees" process // הליכי פינוי/הריסה למראית עין במאהל המחאה, ת"א
13-12-25 Request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (Israel) on Municipality of Tel Aviv, in re: Authorization of flyers, characterized as “Eviction Decrees” or “Demolition Decrees”
13-12-26 Occupy Tel Aviv: Law enforcement implants // מאהל המחאה, ת"א: מושתלי כוחות הביטחון
13-12-27 Occupy Tel Aviv: Urgent request for protection against hooliganism by Deputy City Manager Reuven Zluf
13-12-27 Occupy Tel-Aviv: Criminal fraud, extortion complaint filed against Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Hulday// מאהל המחאה ת"א: תלונה פלילית על הונאה וסחטנות הוגשה נגד ראש העיר רון חולדאי
13-12-27 Occupy Tel-Aviv: Criminal fraud, extortion complaint filed against Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Hulday// מאהל המחאה ת"א: תלונה פלילית על הונאה וסחטנות הוגשה נגד ראש העיר רון חולדאי
13-12-29 Occupy Tel Aviv - Law enforcement implants – URIEL and Avi
13-12-30 Occupy Tel-Aviv: Request forwarded to Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Hulday for written guidelines in re: permitted shelters in the camp.//בקשה הוגשה לראש עיריית ת"א להנחיות בכתב לגבי מחסות במאהל המחאה ת"א
13-12-31 Occupy Tel Aviv: Permit extension for Jan 2014 // מאהל המחאה ת"א - הארכה לינואר 2014
14-01-02 Occupy Tel Aviv: Law enforcement implants – URIEL BENVENISTE 14-01-02 מושתלי כוחות הביטחון - אוריאל בנבנישתי
14-01-10 Protest as an Amusement Park - Part III - the Rule of Law // המחאה כגן שעשועים - חלק ג - שלטון החוק
14-01-11 Occupy Tel Aviv: Request for transparency in operations of LaSova charitable association // בקשה למידע מידי לשובע, לגבי שקיפות בפעולות במאהל המחאה ת"א
14-01-12 OccupyTLV: Tel Aviv Municipality false Freedom of Information response in re: authorization of flyers, falsely represented as "Decrees"
14-01-13 Architect Sharon Rotbard - Meeting Summary: proposed collaboration between Tel Aviv Municipality and Bezalel Art School in re: toilets in #OccupyTLV camp
14-01-13 Tel Aviv Police response on fraud and extortion compalint against Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Hulday.
14-01-14 ISRAEL: #OccupyTLV: "State Persons" and law enforcement implants prevent erecting protest signs in the OccupyTLV camp
14-01-16 OccupyTLV: Reply on false FOIA response in re: authorization of flyers, falsely represented as "Decrees"
14-01-16 Response to Tel-Aviv Police Chief Sau on Criminal fraud and extortion complaint against Tel-Aviv Mayor Ron Hulday and others (File No. 572087/2013), and his response (Serial. No. 04433714) ,תגובה למפקד מחוז ת"א בנצי סאו על תלונה פלילית על הונאה וסחטנות באיומים כנגד ראש עיריית ת"א רון חולדאי ואח' –( מספר תיק572087/2013), ותשובתו ו(מס' שוטף 04433714
14-01-17 #OccupyTLV No 14: Amos moved to the LaSova tent
14-01-17 OccupyTLV: Uriel and untreated latrine // מאהל המחאה ת"א: אוריאל ובור שופכין בלתי מטופל
14-01-19 #OccupyTLV: Criminal complaint filed against Tel Aviv Police Commander: Fraud and obstruction// תלונה פלילית הוגשה נגד מפקד מחוז ת"א בנצי סאו: הונאה ושיבוש חקירת משטרה
14-01-19 OccupyTLV Uriel and Unusual Police Activity
14-01-20 #OccupyTLV: Request for transparency by LaSova charitable association re: connection with law enforcement implant in the operation of illegal homeless shelters in OccupyTLV camp// בקשה מס 2 לשקיפות: קשריו של מר אוריאל בנבנישתי עם לשובע או צד שלישי לעניין הקמת ותפעול מחסות בלתי חוקיים לדרי רחוב במאהל המחאה ת
14-01-20 OccupyTLV: Police Commander is asked to remove police implant from the camp //ניצב סאו התבקש להסיר את המשת"פ אוריאלבנבניסטי מהמאהל
14-01-20 #OccupyTLV: Cumulative Health data (2013) submitted to Architect Sharon Rotbard // מאהל המחאה ת"א, נתוני בריאות מתומצתים - 2013 הוגשו לאדר' שרון רוטברד
14-01-21 Notice and warning to Ron Hulday, egarding serious Human Rights violations by the city in Occupy Tel Aviv camp. //הודעה והתרעה לרון חולדאי – הפרות בוטות של זכויות האדם על ידי עיריית ת"א במאהל המחאה בגן וולובלסקי-קרניE
14-01-23 OccupyTLV: False Notice/Demand by Tel Aviv Municipality regarding shelters in the OccupyTLV camp
14-01-24 OccupyTLV: Request Filed With Member of Knesset Zehava Galon Re Police Abuse
14-01-26 OccupyTLV: Demolition operation - falsely represented as enforcement of non-existent “Decrees” - by collusion of Tel Aviv Municipality and Israel Police// פעולה להרס מחסות במאהל המחאה ת"א – שהוצגה במרמה כאכיפה של צווים שלא היו מעולם – על ידי שיתוף פעולה של משטרת ישראל ועיריית ת"א.
13-01-26 OccupyTLV: Correspondence with Member of Knesset Galon re – Filing complaint with Police Investigations Department of Israel State Prosecution //
תכתובת עם ח"כ זהבה גלאון בעניין הגשת תלונה למח"ש
14-01-26 OccupyTLV: False Tel Aviv Municipality repeat Freedom of Information response, in re: Flyers, falsely represented as "Decrees"
13-01-27 OccupyTLV: Request for Equal Protection Under the Law, and Complaint against Benzi Sau. Tel Aviv Disctrict Israel Police Commander, filed with the Police Investigations Section of Israel State Prosecution//
מאהל המחאה ת"א: תלונה שהוגשה למח"ש נגד ניצב בנצי סאו, מפקד מחוז ת"א.
14-01-30 OccupyTLV: Request and permit for Feb 2014 // מאהל המחאה ת"א בקשה והיתר לפברואר 2014
14-02-03 OccupyTLV: Notice to cease and desist Human Rights violations, filed with Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Hulday
14-02-06 OccupyTLV: Response by Tel Aviv Municipality Legal Department in re: Unlawful demolition of homeless shelters
14-02-14 OccupyTLV: "Affordable public housing" // "דיור בר השגה לעם"
14-02-22 OccupyTLV: Repeat response to Tel Aviv Mayor on false Freedom of Information responses in re: Flyers falsely represented as "Decrees".
14-02-22 OccupyTLV: Response to Tel Aviv Mayor on Legal Department's letter in re: Arbitrary, capricious, discriminatory actions against the homeless.