Showing posts with label Park Ariel Sharon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Park Ariel Sharon. Show all posts


HumaNesting by Residue

The weaving

Standing under the shade during presentation

Mission Accomplished. It does provide shade, and for a large amount of people. 

The team. Guy, Shamir, Michelle

Detail of the weaving

Brochure, inside, english

Brochure, outside, english

Days After


HumaNesting - Days 8 to 12

Day 8: Using Horses as an organic tool

Meeting with Zuki the Engineer

Fixing the foundation woods with steel cable bindings 
Current Binding System
Wished-for Binding System - "Steel Ribbon"

Cleaning the branches

Making ropes for the cable binding

Day 9: Starting the Roof Construction
Old Aerial Photo - Our Site is well-developed (upper right side, between the green and brown fields) 
Picking up long fresh branches for the top construction

Wooden milk

Days 10-11: Finishing Roof Construction part 1 (woods)

Day 12: Starting "The Fives"

 Eucalyptus Texture Collection

Cleaning 4-5 cm diameter branches to be used as a base for the weaving

Next time: Steel cable construction for the roof
Start weaving!