Showing posts with label Derive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Derive. Show all posts
Derive - Pierre Jeanneret House
Our derive took place in Pierre Jeanneret's residential home. While visitng his abandoned house, we''ve decided to compare between different living approaches: we've asked two groups of first year students to furnish the house as they saw fit (giving every room a program of use) using items which we had given them. In addition, we've documented by film an identical house which nowadays is owned by a wealthy family and done research about Pierre Jeanneret's way of living in this house.
Kritika Dhupar, Aya Salalha, Lior Skoury, Nitzan Noy
Derive in the Gandhi Bhawan, Punjab University, Chandigarh
The Gandhi Bhawan is located in the Punjab Uni. campus in Chandigarh, and serves the Gandhian Studies department students.
The building was planned by Pierre Jeanneret, and consists of three major programs: a library, an auditorium and a conference room.
The building is situated as a monument in the campus, surrounded by a little pond, and seems deserted while no one comes in or out.
While visiting the building, we've noticed it's many private hiding places and therefore decided to play hide and seek during our derive. Some can say that the building's architecture of curved walls and hidden corners doesn't suit Gandhi's outward way of life.
attached a collage out of panoramic photos which we took from our different hiding places.
Text : How we feel the " dérive " ?
האם כאשר אנחנו יוצאים מביתנו, אנחנו יודעים לאן אנחנו הולכים? לאן אנחנו נגיע? האם אנחנו חופשיים ללכת בכל דרך שקיימת בעיר? האם אנחנו חופשיים ללכת לכל מקום בעיר? האם הרגליים הן אלו שמוליכות אותנו או דווקא המבט הוא זה שקובע? אינטואיציות או החלטות רציונליות? האם אפשר ללכת ללא מטרה? האם אפשר פשוט ללכת בעיר בלי לעשות דבר? לאיפה אני הולך? מה אני עושה? איך אני מחליט לאיזה כיוון ללכת בלי להחליט לאיזה כיוון ללכת? הרבה שאלות, מעט תשובות.
החוויה שלי בשוטטות בעיר נתקלה בסוג של קונפליקט, אני הולך למקום מסוים אך מנגד לא יודע מה הוא המקום אליו אני הולך. אני מקבל החלטה אם לפנות שמאלה או ימינה ובו זמנית מנסה לא להחליט וממשיך ישר. מין שילוב של אינטואיציה ורציונליות, סקרנות והרפתקנות, אינסטינקטים ותחושות. בהתחלה זה לא קל - ללכת בלי לדעת לאן. המחשבה נוקשה ולא משחררת. אתה מנסה לנוע בחופשיות, אך ברור לך שאתה לא לגמרי חופשי בעיר. בסופו של דבר העיר מכתיבה לנו דרכים ומסלולים שרובם תוכננו ועוצבו על מנת לנתב אותנו, את תושבי העיר, במרחביה.
אך ככל שהזמן עובר אתה נותן לעצמך להיכנס לתוך העולם הזה שבו המהלך הוא העיקר, אין נקודה ועוד נקודה, יש את מה שעובר ביניהם. אתה נותן מקום לאקראיות. אתה נותן מקום לסקרנות. אתה נותן מקום לתחושות בכך שאתה סופג, חווה ומקבל את מה שקורה סביבך. ההתבוננות שלך סביב והמבט שאינו מונע ממטרה ברורה נותנים לך לראות דברים שבדרך כלל לא היית מבחין בהם. החשיבות משתנה, זה כבר לא היעד, זאת הדרך. זו יכולה להיות סמטה חשוכה או חדר מדרגות שמשהו שם מושך אותך, אתה נותן לעצמך להיסחף לתוכם, להיכנס אל העולם של אי הוודאות. השלמה עם הסיטואציה הקיימת, במקום שבו אתה נמצא וכפי שאתה חווה אותה באותו הרגע בדיוק.
When we go out from our homes, do we know where we
are going? Where will we end up? Are we free to choose any path we please? Are
we free to walk anywhere in the city? Is it our feet that lead us or our gaze?
Is our decision based on Intuition or rational? Is it possible to go without a
goal? Is it possible to just walk without engaging in something? Where am I
going? What do I do? How do I decide which way to go without deciding which way
to go? A lot of questions, yet we have few answers.
My experience roaming the city encountered a
conflict. I'm going to a certain place, but on the other hand I don’t know the
place I’m going to.
I make a decision whether to turn left or right and at the
same time trying not to decide and just continue straight on. It’s a
combination of intuition and rationality, curiosity and adventure, instincts
and feelings. At first it’s not easy - going without knowing where .it’s a
Rigid and unliberating thought. You try to move freely, but clearly you’re not
entirely free in the city. Eventually the city dictates to us the roads and
tracks, most of which were designed to redirect us, the restrictions of the
city space.
The more time that passes you allow yourself to
enter into this world where the course is the essence, there is no point and
another point, it’s what passes between them. You give way to serendipity. You
give way to curiosity. You give way to your feelings by absorbing, experiencing
and accepting what is happening around you. The observation you make and your
stare that is not motivated from a particular goal which permits you to see
things that otherwise you would of not notice. Importance varies, it’s no
longer the destination that matters, it's the way. It can be a dark alley or a
stairway which has something that appeals to you, you allow yourself to drift
into them, to enter into the world of uncertainty. It is the Acceptance of the
existing situation, where you are and as you experience it in that very moment.
Marcher sans but, laisser une place
au hasard, ne pas tout prévoir.
Avoir des millions de questions, des
questions sans réponses. Ne pas avoir de réponses, accepter de ne pas en avoir.
Alors que le propre de l’homme est de
tout organiser, de tout prévoir, d’optimiser son temps pour avoir une journée
« rentable ». Ne pas laisser de place au hasard tout simplement.
Expérimenter la ville, se
l’approprier. Apprendre à l’observer et non pas juste à la regarder. Prendre le
temps d’observer les passants, les chats, les poubelles qui se remplissent, qui
se vident. Observer les touristes qui achètent des souvenirs …
Comment est-il possible d’acheter un
souvenir ?
Le propre du souvenir n’est-il pas
justement immatériel ? Quelque chose que l’on garde en mémoire, dans une
petite case de son cerveau. Eventuellement un souvenir peut être associé à un
objet trouvé sur place, un bout de papier, une feuille sur le sol.
Ainsi en regardant cet objet on
se repasse le film du voyage …
Laisser une place au hasard. Faire
quelque chose sans objectifs précis. Se laisser simplement porter par ses
envies du moment.
Se rendre compte que lorsqu’on fait
un choix cela implique de ne pas en faire un autre.
Le futur n’est plus le même … Tout ça
ne tiens qu’à un simple choix …
Aller dans cette direction, monter
dans cet immeuble, aller sur le toit de ce même immeuble, voir une famille
célébrer la fin du Shabbat. Les observer sans qu’ils ne se doutent de rien.
Entendre des chants d’hommes, regarder des enfants courir, observer la lumière
d’un lampadaire.
Tout ça n’aurait jamais eu lieu si
nous n’étions pas entrer dans cet immeuble.
Le plus important n’est pas le but du
voyage mais le voyage en lui même …
Accepter de laisser une place à la
dérive … durant six heures !
To go without goal, allow a place for the hazard,
no plan everything, everytime.
Have million of questions, questions without
answers. Not to have answers, be agree to don't have some.
Whereas the characteristic of Man is always to
organize everything, all to envisage, to optimize its time to have a day “profitable”.
Not to leave of place randomly quite simply.
Experiment out the city, to appropriate it. To
learn how to observe it and not just to look at it. To take the time to observe
the passers by, cats, the dustbins which fill, and after emptied. To observe
the tourists who buy memories…
How is it possible to buy a memory ?
The characteristic of the memory isn't it precisely
immaterial ? Something which one keeps in memory, in a small box of the brain.
Possibly a memory can be associated with an object found on the spot, a sheet
of paper, a leaf on the ground.
Thus by looking at this object one passes by again
the film of the travel…
Leave a place to the hazard. To do something
without precise objectives. To simply let itself carry by its desires of the
To realize that when a choice is made that implies
not to do another of them.
The future is not any more same… All that hold only
with one simple choice…
Go in this direction,go up in this building, go on
the roof of this same building, to see a family celebrating the end of Shabbat.
To observe without them not suspecting nothing. To hear songs of men, to look
at children running, to observe the light of a standard lamp.
All that would never have taken place if we were
not to enter this building.
The most important isn’t the goal of the travel bit
the travel itself…
Agree to allow a place to the drift… during six
hours !
Dérive - Searching for Silence
For most of us, the
experience of a heavily populated and busy Indian urban area is no small
challenge. To simply explore the city, or just to get somewhere, requires an
amount of energy and patience that we aren't accustomed to in our Western
lifestyle. While walking the streets, our sensory system is under
constant attack - from the noise and the crowds, from challenging sights, and
from strong odors that pervade every part of the city. It seems as we
are all leaves, drifting at the will of the wind on a unplanned trajectory,
attempting to calculate our steps through traffic, waste, and water obstacles.
The city constantly invades our personal space; even if it seems that you have
managed to escape momentarily as your thoughts sail to faraway places of peace
and tranquility, the small, fragile hands of a child grasp at you and pull you
back to the ground, to the difficult visages that prevail here.

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The Dérive track |
Victoria Garden |
Just across the road
from the IP Mission lies the Victoria Gardens. Compared to the Church, the
Gardens do not have any physical separation from the city's traffic, but its
size and thick vegetation act as a natural filter, allowing for a quiet and
pleasant outdoor space.
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