
New Concepts in Egg Crates

Today we disassembled our existing installation, recycled all its parts, and began work on a new concept. We aren't sure where it will lead, but we're plunging in head first nonetheless. Below are some images and a video that begins to illustrate the potential for this new system.


  1. האם חשבתם לבדוק את האפשרות שהמשטחים לא יהיו מלבניים אלא טרפזיים? במקרה כזה תיווצר מעין כיפה מחיבור של כמה משטחים והקימור שיווצר יהיה יחסית חזק ויציב.

  2. It's definitely possible for them to be a trapezoid. We could probably test it out on a smaller scale to see if cupping it would be possible so as to create a dome. We experimented a bit with making them the way a knitted Kippa is made, but never got very far.


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